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7 Most Common Mistakes People Make With Marketing Audio Books

Writer's picture: Inam Ullah DarInam Ullah Dar

Updated: Dec 19, 2022

I think nothing is worse for a writer than his mistakes while marketing his audiobook. In a dynamic development with diverse niches, inconsistent rules, and unchanging goals, it's hard to sell a book.

It's tough for most writers to increase their book sales, as they avoid marketing it and save it to the last minute. You can use your audiobooks as upload files for various stores through customer upload files for WooCommerce plugin. If you don't do that, it will be a great mistake. Don't let that discourage you because mistakes are the best way to learn! I hope this list gives you a head start, but feel free to make your own.

Also, remember that this should generally be avoided, but there is no right or wrong way to sell a book or make a novelist. Any author, genre, and niche are slightly different.

But we're here to help! Let's look at some of the most significant mistakes writers make when marketing their books, so you know what to avoid.

Mistake #1. Talking to everyone the same way.

You don't talk to strangers the same way you talk to close friends; that has to be consistent with marketing. Some viewers are cold; others are warm. Some people are on a shopping spree, and some aren't. The voice of your marketing communications should always reflect this.

Cool audiences shouldn't get a stern "buy" message, so ads with a weak call might be better for a broad audience on Facebook. In the same case, a reader subscribing to your mailing list for the first time may not want to immediately receive an email asking them to publish your books and ask for money. Maybe you should give them something important first.

#2. Not personalizing your posts

If you follow the creators on Instagram, I'm sure you've seen many of these stories posting their books, testimonials, photos of people, affiliate marketing, promo codes, attachments, etc., and no one is here. It isn't easy to connect these types of ads online.

While boundaries are essential when you have a unique brand for the general public, maintaining the most prestigious content and doing business can turn readers off.

So, try to balance maintaining the confidentiality and exposing certain aspects of your life to give your brand a sense of purpose. A good example is a sign about your pets! Pets are human, sweet, and affectionate, but they do not reveal personal information about you.

#3. To expect old strategies will work

Modern technology allows for the faster dissemination of ideas. We are all faster than ever, reacting to new systems and cars. So what was true yesterday may not be true today.

Here's an example: advertising on Amazon. We have tools that will do all the hard work of keyword research for you so you can target your Amazon ads to the right people. You can see these ads on your book page under "Advertising related to this item".

#4. Establish a tone and stick with it

If your letter doesn't have the same tone for every paragraph, don't read it this way. Your audience wants to hear from YOU, to listen - softly - when you are sad, discouraged, playful, uplifted.

Your reading is an excellent opportunity to discover things you can't say. Remember that incorrect pronunciation destroys your integrity. If you are working with a director, they can help you do your research before it is done during the arrest. Every director has a set of tricks to find the right way to say something.

#5. Not monetizing

It's not so much about marketing a professional book as it is about using your original author to generate a lot of income, but don't underestimate your paper's money-making potential. Don't miss the opportunity to add some affiliate links or sell ads to another author.

This is another excellent opportunity missed by many writers. Newspaper sharing is when two writers or creators share each other's books or content.

#6. Selecting only your favorite marketer

Frustrated after several persistent failures, I paid thousands of dollars to a public relations company specializing in book advertising. I put myself entirely in their hands. They give me radio interviews and internet magazine stories, most of which are just the right people.

They offered two "hooks" for stories related to my book. Hooks are used to hanging a story about your book and telling it in simple words - for example, in a story where the hero imitates the story. Aston Martin, there may be rumors about speeding cars.

It doesn't matter that these clues have little or nothing to do with my book because their conclusions will be drawn. And they were right. I had radio interviews. I have my stories. But no purchases. Even a slight upgrade of my site. The hook was full, so I could barely see inside.

Some publishers often impose restrictions on you and your books. It is a structure they can understand because you are good and familiar with them. And since they seem to know what they're talking about, it's easy to agree with them. This PR company made the common mistake of comparing quality and quantity. "Your local radio has millions of viewers." But will they read my book?

#7. Marketing all the time

Perhaps it would be wrong of me to say that the most potent market any new writer has to offer is new advertising because we all know it, and it does not give us anything useful.

It's also a bit silly because a new release will always come with a considerable boost. So let me approach this from a different perspective: You don't always have to be cheap. I know, I know - lie! I see writers always worried about wasting time and money daily in marketing and how to separate their salary and their writing ability.

Bonus Tip: Understand Amazon Algorithms

It's silly, especially when there could be a better way. If you understand how to use Amazon's algorithms, you can organize your marketing efforts only to promote your books a few days a month, and Amazon is more likely to use and do the job.

One of the most successful writers I know — one who receives All-Star bonuses every month with millions and millions of pages to read on Kindle Unlimited — only broadcasts five to seven days a month and spends time remaining inertia. When you focus your marketing power this way, you usually get more bar for your money and spend more time and space for writing, which means you can fix it quickly and reduce stress – a win-win situation.


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